Sunday, February 22, 2015

Which Types of Collars and Harnesses are Safe for Your Dog?

3 Vizslas/one walk using no-pull harnesses (L to R: Csilla, Lyra and Zene)

Which Types of Collars and Harnesses are Safe for Your Dog? by Dr. Sophia Yin 

Dr. Yin shares an excellent overview of a variety of common collars and harnesses. None is perfect. They are all just tools. But some are more likely to cause problems in your pet or may just provide a less than ideal match for your needs. In case you're wondering which I prefer—ideally my dogs can walk on leash with the flat collar that they wear regularly. But for those dogs that tend to pull (or when I walk multiple V's) I  recommend a front-attaching harness or a head collar of some sort.

Read the entire article:

*** Please no choke chains or prong collars on a Vizsla.