Week 9
In the final week -- the mother dog will looking for a quiet place to make her "nest" -- not to worry Lyra, I've set up the spare bedroom at the far end of the house (away from any excitement) with the whelping box in preparation for the Easy Riders.
In the final "days" before whelping, Lyra's body shape changes. Her vulva, in particular will dilate and the pelvic ligaments will relax so that the puppies have enough room to pass through. By instinct Lyra has gone into her crate (a quiet place) and often a mother dog will seem on edge, somewhat restless. This is normal and expected. I have noticed she does not seem to be able to get comfortable.
I have been taking Lyra's rectal temperature three times a day. A drop of around one degree (and down to 97-98F) as compared to the average of the previous days occurs within a few hours, 24 or 48 hours, prior to whelping.